OneConnect for Independent Businesses
With a single connection to LBMX, our one-to-many architecture allows you connect with your suppliers and customers through our advanced OneConnect network . This means you can connect securely to LBMX over the web, through our OneConnect EDI service, or via one of our many ERP integration points. Once connected, you will have access to a powerful and expanding commercial network.
LBMX OneConnect takes existing cloud-based EDI beyond document exchange and provides higher visibility and insight into the buyer-seller relationship. Connecting to LBMX networks over the web, offers independent businesses great advantage. By upgrading to our B2B Integration solution through OneConnect, you can entirely automate the exchange of documents (invoices, purchase orders, purchase confirmations, and advance ship notifications) directly between your suppliers and your ERP system.
What are the Advantages?
A fully integrated solution puts you on a level playing field with your corporate competitors. For example:
- Integration eliminates manual keying of invoices reducing the inevitable human errors that accompany manual entry
- Integration reduces the time for invoices to enter the accounts payable cycle, ensuring you have ample time to take advantage of prompt-payment discount offerings
- An integrated solution allows you to send electronic purchase orders directly from your systems, often resulting in improved terms or increased rebates
- An integrated solution provides the opportunity for you to receive purchase order confirmations and advance ship notices, providing significant operational and procurement advantages
These benefits will add up to a significant savings. Many independents have found the annual savings just from automating the payables entry process alone, will more than pay for the complete solution for many years.
Why OneConnect from LBMX?
Many independents can understand the efficiencies gained by not having to rekey invoices into their system. They can further recognize the improvements to order accuracy and fulfillment that come with the ability to receive additional documents such as purchase order confirmations and advance ship notices. And they are certainly motivated by advantageous terms and additional rebates offered by many suppliers to receive purchase orders electronically. The business case on EDI is compelling but the challenge is how to get there alone.
Because LBMX offers a connect once and trade with many architecture, the cost of getting you trading with more of your trading partners is controlled. If you need to trade with suppliers outside your group or do not belong to one, our growing list of suppliers that are part of the LBMX Marketplace probably has you covered.
How our solutions benefit your buying group.
What are the Solution Offerings?
You can choose any combination of the following LBMX OneConnect services related to ordering, tracking and payables:
With LBMX eInvoicing, you can eliminate the data entry associated with processing payable invoices. With this service, LBMX will build and support a map which is specific to your payable system.
With this service, you can send electronic purchase orders from your system (provided it has the capability) to your suppliers. You will also be able to receive electronic purchase order confirmations into your system to update information on purchase orders. LBMX will build and support a map which is specific to your system.
With this service, you can receive electronic advance ship notices into your system for preparation in receiving the purchased goods. LBMX will build and support a map which is specific to your system.
What comes next?
This type of solution will result in a fully integrated network made up of your suppliers and your group if your are a member. You will now be on an equal footing with your corporate competitors and able to adopt more advanced technology solutions such as Product Information Management (PIM), complete eCommerce, VMI, and other appropriate technology solutions.
Buy better. Sell more. LBMX makes it possible.
Success in Every Industry

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