Private Group Marketplace
Strengthen your marketplace. Strengthen your members.
The Group Marketplace is a private platform experience, connecting your independent members with your suppliers. Built on the power of reliable, accurate, real-time data, the LBMX Group Marketplace provides the technology to differentiate, defend, and grow your group.
Designed to help you “buy better, sell more,” the LBMX Marketplace facilitates true group e-commerce. Built on a solid foundation of billing automation, rebate management, electronic invoicing, analytics, PIM, B2B eCommerce and one-to-many EDI, it optimizes the relationship between your members and suppliers. The platform enables your members to sell more through our National Accounts solution and to buy better through electronic PO’s and our production grade B2B eCommerce Order Platform.
How our solutions benefit your buying group.
Real-time insights
Waiting for purchase information from suppliers can keep you behind the competition. Our Analytics application will help you track member purchases in real time by category, by line, even by SKU, to use when you need it. You have everything you need to develop focused buying programs and maximize member rebates.
Be more efficient
Manage the flow of invoices and purchase orders between your members and suppliers quickly and securely, over the web or through OneConnect, our one to many EDI solution. Whether you bill directly or centrally (or want to), no matter the format you use, this data management helps you shrink overhead costs, reduce errors and become more efficient.
Be more valuable
Relying on suppliers to provide timely member purchase activity leaves valuable rebate dollars on the table. Our Rebate Management application allows you to easily assign, track, record and calculate rebates in real time. No more missed rebate opportunities or plateaus.
Be the Engine of Growth
Or deliver on your buying-power promise with our B2B eCommerce Order Platform. This platform allows your suppliers to post their products online for your members to order. Combine this with our Group architected PIM, puts the Group in the driver’s seat to optimize both the buy-side and sell-side of your members business.

Buy better. Sell more. LBMX makes it possible.
Success in Every Industry

Ready to Get Started?
Request a demo from LBMX today!